Monday, October 24, 2005

Is it Toronto or is it Iraq? Gun Violence Galore! What are the Liberals Doing?

We've all heard about the daily violence and slayings going on in Iraq for a long time now.

But now it's time to look more closely at Toronto. The mainstream media (MSM) hasn't been doing a very good job of bringing to our attention the extent of the endless gun violence in The Big Smoke of late.

See a chronological listing of the shootings in Toronto here for yourselves.

And then try to tell me that the multibillion dollar Liberal long gun registry has worked to reduce gun violence and homicides in Canada. With a straight face. If you can.

I would repeat the saying: "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."

Therefore, if the state cannot get rid of guns, particularly handguns used by street scumbags, by harassing law-abiding sport hunters, who only use long guns anyway, not handguns, it is necessary to do something about the people who perpetrate the gun violence. I would suggest life without parole, ever, for murder committed with a handgun. Plus, for possession of a concealed illegal firearm, twenty years in prison without possibility of parole.

I recommend Ottawa and the provinces use some of any proposed "infrastructure" cash to build new prisons. Boot-camp, no-bullshit prisons where inmates have to behave as civilized adults or suffer sanctions. It seems the state has been letting murderers out ridiculously early, like Karla Homolka, as perhaps Canada has run out of cells in which to house dangerous offenders. Scrap the gun registry and use the cash instead to warehouse murderers for life. Then I guarantee the violence will be drastically curtailed.

But will the left-wing extremist ruling Paul Martin Liberals do the right thing and crack down on this terrible, regularly-occuring gun violence by doing as I've prescribed above? Not a chance. They'll instead seek to win far-left votes away from the NDP and Bloc Quebecois by maintaining the status quo as they haven't a prayer of winning away votes from the Conservatives, as intelligent, ordinary conservative Canadians would rather eat dung than put up with the "Liberal" mob any longer.

I Wonder if Toronto Mayor David Miller has the balls to do what it takes? Will he do his job? Will he beef up law enforcement and give them new, more serious orders to take down the evildoers on the streets? What's more important to him, colorful but unnecessary parades or protecting the safety of innocent citizens from those who wish them harm? If he fails, he'll drive away business, residents and tourists. He'll lead Toronto into a depression if he tolerates the shootings.

For more, go to Small Dead Animals and to Stephen Taylor.