Monday, January 02, 2006

A "Battle of Values"? Sure, Bring it On!

So Prime Minister Paul Martin is going around telling the MSM that the coming weeks of the remainder of the federal election campaign will be about a "battle of values" between his Liberals and the Conservatives.
Is Paulie really that stupid?
Most Canadians have seen for themselves what "Liberal" values really are. Crime, corruption, greed, dishonesty, cover-up, starving the military and law enforcement of urgently needed funds, not putting people in jail for possessing handguns despite it being illegal and thus allowing these criminals to run around killing innocents day after day, high taxes, a flatlined economy and fewer high-paying job opportunities due to it, health "care" in which we get the "care" we need only when the bureaucratic authorities deem we shall (normally immediate if we're at death's door but anything less than that, we're forced to suffer painfully, sometimes for months or even years without "care"), racist and sexist civil service hiring practices, cronyism, making Canada a safe haven for terrorists (the Khadrs, for example) and pedophiles (Karla Homolka and Karl Toft, for example, plus an age of consent of fourteen which attracts international pedophiles with an agenda to exploit children), an inquiry into the theft of millions in which the Judge refuses to cancel his appointment of your longtime crony and financial facilitator of your acquisition of Canada Steamship Lines, your very own private, for-profit physician who, coincidentally, made a killing off of the obvious insider trading scandal stemming from the income trust announcement, a complete and utter lack of respect for democracy and for parliament, your campaign of intolerance towards Alberta and towards the western half of the land, your contemptuous disrespect for Quebeckers with AdScam, your continuing imposition of the Liberal doctrine of dependence on the Atlantic Region, etc., etc....
Ok, Paulie. Bring it on! Whatever you can say will mean nothing now, as we've finally become wise to your slimy, scoundrellous scammery.
The Conservatives have been announcing excellent, reasonable, workable policy after policy on a daily basis. You? You merely promise, just to give something to the MSM, to ban handguns which have been banned since even before you even popped out into into the world with that proverbial silver spoon pretentiously protruding from your pompously grimacing mug...
Paulie, you're finished. Read the writing the Liberals are leaving on the stall walls in the little Liberals' room. They're, as I write this, already engaged in a not-so-below-the-radar leadership campaign to replace you. The metaphorical knives are poised and ready for January 24th.
Anyone who would vote Liberal now doesn't have their eyes open and isn't using their brain.