Friday, April 07, 2006

San Fran Gov't Sued For Preaching Hatred Towards Catholics

San Francisco is being sued for its official campaign of hate against Catholics.

Read about the lawsuit and the reasons behind it here.


The lawsuit, brought on behalf of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and two San Francisco Catholic citizens, challenges the anti-Catholic resolution as a “startling attack by government officials on the Catholic Church, Catholic moral teaching and beliefs, and those who adhere to the tenets of the Catholic faith, in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.”

The March 21, 2006 resolution alludes to the Vatican as a foreign country meddling in the affairs of the City and describes the Church’s moral teaching and beliefs as insulting to all San Franciscans,” “hateful,” “insulting and callous,” “defamatory,” “absolutely unacceptable,” “insensitive[] and ignoran[t].” The resolution calls on the local Archbishop to “defy” the Church’s teachings and describes Cardinal William Joseph Levada, the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is responsible for safeguarding the doctrine on the faith and morals of the Church throughout the Catholic world, as “unqualified” to lead.

According to Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, “The demagoguery and virulent words of this resolution are reminiscent of the anti- Catholic bigotry of the Ku Klux Klan and the Know Nothings, which marred our Nation’s earlier history. San Francisco may as well have put up signs at the City limits: ‘Faithful Catholics Not Welcomed.”

Why does the ultra-extreme-leftist City of San Francisco single out the Christian religion? Do those in charge of the SF government know, for example, that there are other religions which hold beliefs and teach things exactly as does the Catholic Church which the SF moonbats don't like?

I guess the City of San Francisco is totally ignorant of the Islamic faith, as preached by Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, which is even stronger in the areas which the moonbats in that municipal government find not to their liking.

I guess they're afraid of a possible fatwa. Just as they'd forbid any depiction of Mohammed due to fear of possible violence to themselves personally.

They know that good Catholics, like good Muslims, are people of peace and don't condone violence. Therefore, as the total pussies they are, they pick as big bullies on the peaceful Catholic folks whom they know won't hold violent demonstrations and hold up signs saying, "Behead those who preach hate against Catholics".

Shame on San Francisco. The hatefully discriminatory capital of the Free World.

For the sake of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, human rights and the Constitution of the United States of America, the City of San Francisco must lose the lawsuit and be forced to scrap their resolution of hatred against Catholics and apologize fully and unreservedly and then proceed to enroll in an intensive sensitivity and tolerance training program. Else they must resign. I personally would like to see them brought up on criminal charges for preaching hatred against an identifiable group. They deserve to be incarcerated.

Guess what? The left will think that what San Francisco is doing is just fine and slam me instead for standing up for human rights. They'll prove themselves to be stupid and hateful, all the while planting their heads firmly up inside their ani when the truth is explained to them.

Those in charge of the City of San Francisco are an organization of hate.

h/t to World Net Daily

And this isn't the first time that the City of San Francisco and its zombieistic moonbat followers have hurled hatred towards people on the basis of faith. For more, see here.

Will the MSM care? I seriously doubt it!

And don't be surprised to see some totally brainless, ignorant moonbats hurling some hatred of their own in the comments. But should they get too far unhinged and unacceptably abusive and/or profane, I reserve the right to block them from further abusive commentary, as this blog is my property and no one has a "right" to come on here and behave just any way they want. All solely at my discretion. They get only this one warning. So be civil!