Saturday, May 27, 2006

Group Launching Campaign Against Anti-Christian Cartoons

Story here.

Offending cartoons here.

( - A pro-family organization is lashing out at a student-run newspaper at the University of Oregon for the publication of two cartoons, one showing Jesus in sexual arousal and the other showing him kissing another man.

That same publication previously refused to run any Mohammed-related cartoons. Yet they went ahead and published those disgusting ones involving Jesus, which can only be interpreted by reasonable, fair people as a deliberate, discriminatory act of hate against Christianity. No Muslim cartoons? Why? Head would get chopped off. Christian ones? Of course... Christians won't hurt the leftist monsters who drew and published them.

But Christianity isn't a pushover. They won't take this!

It's "one of the strongest attacks on Christianity"

"They want phone numbers so that they can make sure their voice is heard. The taxpayers of Oregon don't want their taxes being used this way."

official grievance over the cartoons was filed by Students of Faith on April 21. But the University of Oregon ruled that, "The Student Insurgent did not practice discrimination." The university also declared that the newspaper, "through its publication, continues to add to the cultural and physical development of The University Community."

Not discrimination? Stupid, reprehensible Dhimmi whores. If they had published the infamous Mohammed cartoons, then they could make this claim, but as they refused to do so, they cannot claim non-discrimination against Christians.

The editor of that student newspaper is on record as declaring that "It's fun to break the rules... if it pisses people off... that's the point".

I would say to that total imbecile of an editor: "Well, then why the f... don't you publish the Mohammed cartoons, if it's so much fun to piss people off? Isn't that the point, as you've declared? The Muslims will certainly be pissed- so go ahead and do it, asshat!"

Of course they won't publish truthful images about Mohammed and Islam. For they're Dhimmi slaves of the Muslims and will obviously go out of their way to offend non-Muslims in a very strong way. I consider people like this to be a threat to the Free World. To freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. They seem to be deeming who gets to enjoy any rights at all.

The University claims it can do nothing at all, legally, but the AFA responded thusly:

Sharp agreed that Frohnmayer is unable to control the content of The Student Insurgent, but said the university president does have the authority "to make sure incidental fees are not used to spread hate-filled messages on his campus." If the Insurgent had run cartoons with messages disparaging other religions or homosexuals, Frohnmayer could have and would have done something in response, according to Sharp.

That's absolutely true. If the university newspaper had run cartoons offending homosexuals, then without a doubt there'd be massive consequences therefor and the university president would perhaps have even expelled the offending individuals. Perhaps there'd be referral of the case to some human rights tribunal kangaroo court as well. But offend Christians? Oh, don't be silly... everyone knows it's a joke and they deserve it, besides???

Just read the whole thing. And be amazed at how prejudiced those folks are about Christianity, claiming to have knowledge that Christianity "forces its morals on us all", while remaining ignorant that Islam does precisely that... in a grievously violent, murderous way.

Dhimmitude is a grave threat to the Free World. I fear that folks like those who petulantly published the explicitly offensive cartoons would stand aside while jihadists lopped off the heads of innocents right inside the borders of the Free World. They'd come up with any reason to justify their silence and appeasement.

Plus, if I had much artistic talent, I'd add a couple of cartoons offending the people responsible for these cartoons and also those who defend the indefensible. No Momo cartoons, but definitely one of Jesus rubbing sexual organs with another man-- of course! Those stupid, f... morons!

Forgive me for my heated slamming of these dumb fools, but at least I never threatened to behead those who insulted Christianity... for I'm properly civilized...