Thursday, May 04, 2006

Unhinged Moonbat Spotlight: Carolyn Bennett

Story/editorial here. h/t:

Calling the Conservative approach "spiteful," Bennett added: "There's actually no plan for early learning and child-care spaces. So it's a good job they're putting more money for prisons in the budget, because we're going to need them if we don't get this early childhood right."

I totally agree with the editorial. Carolyn Bennett, like some kind of communist, seems to be implying that the state would be better for children than their own families.

Astonishing. More proof that leftism is a mental disorder, rendering sufferers incapable of logic and of understanding the reality of the world, not to mention being susceptible to indoctrination from the left.

Dr. Bennett (yes, she's actually a doctor, believe it or not!) has pissed me off. I was raised by my Mom while my Dad went to work to support the family. Thanks to this fact, I learned to read by age five. I did well in school, earning a university degree in business with honors and a diploma in information technology with a 93% average. All despite being deaf since age five. I have no doubt at all that if I had not had the benefit of "early childhood" learning at home by my own caring, loving, education-oriented family, I might have turned out differently. But left-wing imbeciles like Carolyn Bennett don't understand this. They obviously worship the state as the best answer to everything. Idiots.

And Carolyn Bennett suggests I belong in prison just because I wasn't dumped into a daycare center for the first six years of my life? What's the matter with this "Liberal"?

I've also noticed that Dr. Bennett has been behaving in a rather furiously unhinged manner in the House of Commons during Question Period, right from the first day of the new Conservative government in the House.

Hey, Bennett, I would suggest you shut your big, idiotic yap before you earn yourself a free trip to the loonie bin!

In a perfect world, we'd have centers for the detention of unhinged moonbats as a deterrent against such behavior and against saying the most ludicrous, appalling things possible. After all, leftism is a mental disorder, isn't it?

Besides, no "Liberal" can criticize the Conservatives' plan for choice in childcare, which allows parents to choose either to raise the kids at home or place them into "daycare" or whatever, as the "Liberals", despite having thirteen years of opportunity to implement their incessantly-promised childcare system, including year after year of ballooning budget surpluses, never even got started. In thirteen years. Last election's promise? Who knows what would've become of it had they inexplicably won? If they had won, Canada would have been thrust into a national unity crisis the likes of which it hadn't previously experienced... all due to the "Liberals".

Thank goodness Canadians came to their senses just in the nick of time to avert a national crisis! Thank goodness that the rampant social reengineering experiment that was the "Liberal" regime is over!