Friday, October 20, 2006

Clinton Tied To Terror, ACLU, Islamic Indoctrination in Schools & Crackdown on Christianity

The title of this post says it in a nutshell.

Just as I suspected. More evidence of a vast, left-wing conspiracy to promote Islam and slowly try to drive Christianity into extinction. The evidence keeps on mounting. Thank goodness for online media which provide relevancy and important information the MSM refuses to provide, even as it sees its audience drying up and its bottom line worsening...

Story here. Emphasis mine.

A man arrested as a terror suspect for allegedly trying to transport $340,000 from a group tied to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, and who reputedly had connections to Osama bin Laden, helped write the "Religious Expression in Public Schools" guidelines issued by President Clinton during his tenure in office.

And that could explain why
students at a California school were told as part of their required classes they would become Muslims and pray to Allah – and a federal judge approved that, and why an Oregon school this year is delivering similar lessons to its students, as WND has reported.

Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was president of the American Muslim Council and a supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah, worked with President Clinton and the American Civil Liberties Union when the guidelines, launched by Clinton in 1995, were being developed, according to reports.

Those are the
same guidelines that the ACLU's Nadine Strossen referred to for authority when supporting organization lawsuits to restrict Christmas celebrations and the removal of the Nativity from public display, the reports said.

When Clinton issued the guidelines, he announced that they had been developed by "35 religious groups" but didn't disclose that many of those were civil rights organizations such as the ACLU, and committed whole-heartedly to the separation of church and state.

(Apparently, however, the ACLU isn't committed at all to the separation of Mosque and state).

I know it's politically incorrect and makes many folks uncomfortable to attack Islam and Islamists, but the truth has to be told: Islam is threatening the Free World. And the left in the Free World is helping it to take over, bit by bit, indoctrinating schoolchildren in Islam while discouraging and even forbidding Christianity... rather reminiscent of the strategy of the PLO and Hamas to program the so-called "Palestinian" "refugees", generation after generation, to believe in the supremacy of Islam and to hate Israel, hate Jews, hate all non-Muslims... and to kill them all.

It's exactly like Nazism. Hitler's vast propaganda machine did the same thing to the German people in the last century, ultimately resulting in the murders of millions of Jewish people in the name of the intolerant, supremacistic, imperialistic cult of Nazism, which was actually directly aided in its activities by the Muslims. Not to mention the Nazi attempt to dominate the world by murderous force and forcibly impose and implement its doctrines... as Islam is determined to do... by its very essence.

Beware. Yes, beware Islam. Beware the left. Together they are very dangerous. Together they threaten the Free World, threaten freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights.

No one can prove otherwise. All the left and all the Muslims can do is denounce the truth without proving that it isn't the truth!

Stop the fascism!

Grrr! Read it all!

The evidence mounts that the left is deliberately trying to enlist Islamofascists to indoctrinate Free World schoolchildren in the evil, inhuman, intolerant, supremacist, imperialistic dogmas of the cult of Islam whilst campaigning to make Christianity virtually illegal.

I will not submit. I will post the truth as I discover it. Humanity has an inalienable right to know the truth. Especially about all that which threatens its existence and future on this planet.

Anyone who would deny humanity's right to know the truth is aiding and abetting the forces of evil.

Anyone who can't see this happening as the evidence pours and pours and pours in has a mental disorder.

Again, note to leftists: watch what you post. The delete key is fully functional. Tit for tat... your own people delete Christianity all the time, so... you cannot credibly complain. I laugh at leftist charges of "censorship" against me... the left uses the power of the leftist state apparatus to censor the truth all the time and to hide what it is doing.

It's a war between good and evil, with a familiar feel, but the precise likes of which we haven't seen before.