Saturday, October 07, 2006

Possible Jihadist Raising Terror-Tied Money Running For Congress

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Keith Ellison for Congress: a "little Farrakhan" or worse?

Story here. (Yes, leftist trolls, the Northeast Intelligence Network. I will continue to link to them regardless of your refusal to accept them as a legitimate alternative to the MSM, which itself isn't telling us much noticeable stuff about this guy, Keith Ellison, who would be the first Muslim in Congress, which would of course be a problem, not that you have the ability or at least the willingness to understand how).

(Emphasis mine)

Keith ELLISON, candidate for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District and a former member of the Nation of Islam, has received nearly twice as much money in campaign contributions than his opponent, Alan FINE. In a brochure sent by FINE to 100,000 voters, ELLISON was criticized for accepting campaign contributions from questionable sources "having ties to Islamic terrorism." Equally important but receiving scant attention is the stated objective of Omar AHMAD, a significant donor to ELLISON'S campaign: "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur'an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth"

So far, that is extremely troubling. For skeptical, doubting-Thomas leftists, think about this: a hypothetical conservative Congressional candidate, a former member of the Klan, getting lots of donations from supporters with ties to racist terrorism, and with one significant donor known for uttering white-supremacist nonsense, declaring that "whites" should rule the world... are you leftists telling me that that wouldn't upset you? Of course, it would, and you folks and the MSM and the Democrats would all be going furiously nuts, justifiably so, of course, as would conservatives, over such a candidate.

So keep that in mind when examining this Keith Ellison Muslim dude.

In September, we raised the issue of a potential constitutional crisis should ELLISON decide to practice his religion, which would require him to swear his allegiance to Sharia over the US constitution.

That's right, as a fundamentalist Muslim, supported by fundamentalist Muslims, Mr. Ellison absolutely has to accept Sharia Law and cannot accept the American Constitution at the same time. Even if he were to pretend to accept both, we know which he'd choose. Sharia. And this is intolerable! Why aren't people asking more questions? They (leftists) ask all sorts of questions about persons of the Christian faith (like billionaire moonbat Democratic benefactor and puppeteer George Soros, but that's another story).

The NEIN also indicates that Ellison has received contributions from CAIR, a front organization of Hamas and which is actually pro-jihad/pro-Islamofascism (they tried to silence their counterterrorism critics, but were thrown out of court and abandoned their false defamation charges against the critics). Some CAIR members are known for sure to be terrorists.

There's a listing of Islamist fundamentalists who've donated to Ellison in the report. One in particular stands out at first glance:
President of the Muslim American Society, which authorities believe is the political front in the U.S. for the Muslim Brotherhood, the ideological forerunner of al Qaeda and a variety of other Islamic terrorist organizations.

An urgent message from The Canadian Sentinel to voters in the Fifth District of Minnesota: do not vote for Keith Ellison!
A vote for Keith Ellison is a vote for Islam! And a vote for Islam is a vote for jihad!
Oh, and of course... should anyone dare to denounce what I've just said above: fair's fair... if it's ok for moonbats, including prominent moonbats, to declare that the President himself is a "terrorist", then it's ok to call Keith Ellison a bad choice to vote for due to the preponderance of proof of his connections to Islamic jihad!
fter all, America is at war with Islamic fascists! And use your head... can you be so stupid enough to vote for someone like Keith Ellison?

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