Thursday, March 01, 2007

Uncaring, Mean-Spirited Ignatieff: 9/11 Victims "A Sideshow"

Liberal extremist Michael Ignatieff

Why do I attack this mean-spirited, cavalierly uncaring extremist Liberal moonbat named Michael Ignatieff?

Despite an emotional 11th hour plea by families of Canadians killed in the 9/11 terror attacks, the three opposition parties voted last night to kill two extraordinary police anti-terror investigative powers.


At a news conference before the vote, Maureen Basnicki, (pictured with daughter, Erica) whose husband Ken was among two dozen Canadian victims of the 9/11 al-Qaeda attacks, urged MPs to "stop playing politics" and to "vote with their conscience and not with their party."


Deputy Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said he sympathized with terror victims but labelled their appearance during the debate as "just a sideshow," prompting an angry response from Basnicki.

"Sideshow? I was a victim of terrorism. My husband was murdered. I don't like to be a victim of politics. The issue here is the security of Canadians," Basnicki remarked.

What a sickeningly mean-spirited, terrorist-loving, victim-disdaining & dismissing, ultra-hard-left piece of ratshit!

Anyone who votes for this... man... is just like he is.

Thanks to extremists like Iggy, Canadians could soon witness a large-scale terrorist attack on their beloved homeland.

Don't think it'll happen?

The Americans thought it wouldn't happen to them... but it did.

Who do Canadians think they are?

We know what Iggy is. What about you?

Whatever... for sure, except perhaps for the courageous, righteous Tom Wappel, who defied the Liberal overlord, we know that Liberals are either hateful, extremist left wingers or total snivelling pussycowards, particularly such examples as Michael Ignatieff.

Don't vote Liberal.