Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Dad Story to Which I Can Relate

Story here.

Excerpts (my interjections are in italics):

I didn't know then how lucky I was to know such security. I didn't know that my happiness was a result of two people who put their children's needs so far before their own that we didn't know they had needs.

(I can very easily say the same)

What a tremendous impediment we must have been to their comfort.

(Again, that's easy for me to say, too, in retrospect)

But I know it now. And I know how important my father was to my happiness and security. Unlike too many fathers today -- unlike the bumbling idiots portrayed on television -- the Big Guy was a man. He was demanding of us, but that is what we craved. He wasn't much good at telling us he loved us, but he was a master at showing us through repeated actions.

(My dad was a lot better than we kids were at telling us he loved us... and, in retrospect, I wish I had been better at it myself. So tell your dad today that you love him!)

Dads are very important, as are moms.

I'll tell you- although I've not been a dad myself, I know that being a dad (as well as being a mom) is the single most important job in the world! No way could I deny that!

Happy fathers day, Dad! We love you!