Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Judge Blames Child for Rape by Pedophile

It's starting to happen: Pedophilia is being slowly, slowly decriminalized by radical, militant, extreme leftist judges. It starts with just one ruling. That's how these insane things join other insane things on the slippery slope to social degradation.

A PEDOPHILE who raped a 10-year-old girl will be free in just four months after a British judge said his victim had "dressed provocatively".

Wonder what the uproar would be if an adult woman was blamed for her being raped, because the judge deemed she was "dressed provocatively"? I guess the judge in this case believes that pedophiliac rape isn't all that bad. Incredible. Inexplicable. But it happened. The judge did indeed say what he said.

Well, what have I been saying on this blog about corrupt, extremist judges? This is evidence. Even the left will have a hard time justifying this ruling.

This judge also has a record of letting pedophiles off with a mere slap on the bottom:

The same judge caused uproar earlier this year by setting free another paedophile and telling him to give his victim money "to buy a nice new bicycle".

So the message this leftwing judge is sending is that if one rapes a kid, one will simply have to give them a little present? WTF?!

Fenn removed all her clothes and raped her, then Wright took her to his home and sexually assaulted her.

Yet Judge Hall said the case was exceptional because the "young woman" had been wearing a frilly bra and thong.

So he's essentially saying that that makes it ok? Looks like that, doesn't it?

Well, the judge is totally wrong.

He's trying to "make law" or "change the law", indicating what's ok and what's not, despite the values of the people as expressed via their duly elected lawmakers.

The left says that judges can make and change laws, but this is false. They cannot. It's illegal. Only legislative bodies can legally make and change laws. And they're getting away with it all the time.

But as the left, paraphrased, says: "The court has ruled thusly... we must obey the court, never question the court, nor the judge... everything a judge says is right."

Yep... that's the left's attitude as to courts and judges.

At least judges appointed by leftwing politicians, that is!

If the left looks the other way on this judge's extremism and evil, then the left agrees with the judge.


Unfortunately, there's no indication in the report as to what, if anything, will be done about the judge.

If you want my opinion, the judge needs psychiatric assessment. Barring any proof of insanity, he should be charged with a serious crime, whatever is appropriate. He should be fired and imprisoned for violating his oath or whatever he swears upon becoming a judge in the first place.

If nothing is done about this judge, if he isn't fired at the very least, then how can the people trust the courts and the judges?