Monday, June 11, 2007

Pedophilia in "Palestine"

No- I haven't lost it. I know that I just did a post on cannibalism in Communist China, the post just below this post.
I know that these subjects are bloody controversial. But part of my function as The Canadian Sentinel is to put forth that sort of thing... in the absence of any mainstream media action to put forth such politically-radioactive information.
It's no secret that pedophilia is Islamic. In fact, it's common knowledge amongst the truly enlightened that Mohammed, if he existed at all, was a pedophile.

Here's the straight dope on what's what with pedophilia in "Palestine" and in Islam. From someone who actually lives right next door, in a real, sovereign country, Israel.

Again, don't expect the mainstream media to inform the people of what's really happening in the world. Let alone actually tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth... about "Palestine".