Monday, July 02, 2007

Rabbi Criticizes Movie About Pearl Murder

Looks like my recent post in which I referred to FrontPageMag's analysis of the movie A Mighty Heart is now being joined by this one, in which a Rabbi declares that "The film's message is antithetical to the real meaning of Daniel Pearl's murder."

Again, I indicate that I haven't yet actually seen the movie, but I'll readily tell you what others who have have to say about it. And, no, I'm not going to tell you what the Islamic fascists say (they like the movie; in fact, the terrorist-supporting CAIR actually hosted the premiere) or what the dhimmis say. I'm sure they've enough coverage by MSM outlets who bother to say anything about the movie.

The reason the movie fails so spectacularly is because the message it sends is one that is antithetical to the true meaning of Daniel Pearl's martyrdom.

The monsters who beheaded Pearl, then hacked his body into ten pieces and proudly filmed his execution, clearly explained their purpose. The video they released of their victim's final moments was titled "The Slaughter of the Spy-Journalist, the Jew Daniel Pearl." Before his head was sawed off, Pearl was forced to say, "My father is Jewish. My mother is Jewish. I am Jewish." Being a Jew was his "crime."

Yet Michael Winterbottom, the director, inserts a prior scene where the man who organized the kidnapping is asked why Pearl was taken and responds, "Because he was an American."

Ah. The movie, via those who decide what it'll say, is rewriting history... for political purposes. Clearly the movie won't tell us what the butcherous Muslims said to justify Mr. Pearl's murder, but rather falsifies an anti-American "reason". Typical Hollywood crap! Why won't the left simply admit that the Islamists killed Mr. Pearl because he was Jewish? Surely, if some bloodthirsty, filthy skinheads had killed a Muslim, a leftwing movie would, without any evidence, try to leave the viewers with the impression that, of course, the scumbag skinheads had killed the Muslim for simply being a Muslim. But faced with concrete evidence, actual declarations by the Islamist beasts themselves, the left suddenly submits, dhimmifies, makes a movie to please the Hamas-propaganda-front-organization CAIR...

Winterbottom has a personal agenda that will not allow this murder to be viewed in the context of Muslim Jew-hatred. His previous movie, "The Road to Guantanamo," stressed America's guilt as cause for the world's justified hatred of the United States, and Winterbottom hardly hides his feelings in numerous scenes brilliantly scattered throughout his newest film. Even before Pearl's kidnapping is known, we are shown a dinner party Mariane gives for her friends, with one extra place setting for Daniel who is glaringly absent and assumed at this point to be merely delayed. The guests engage in dinner talk and we are allowed a snippet of conversation from one of Mariane's Muslim friends: "What do Americans really know about Afghanistan and Pakistan... other than bombing them."

Sounds like director Winterbottom's another Michael Moore type, as is anyone else responsible for the lies of this movie. Hollywood's full of these folks with a hidden, extremely anti-America, anti-Israel, anti-Jew, anti-Christian, anti-Free-World agenda. And, with the facilitation of all that Hollywood money, they get to tell millions of guillible, small-minded people these lies, thus creating a whole leftwing army of bigots who ironically believe they're the tolerant ones and that the Islamists are, too.

Anyway, read the whole analysis. It's quite good. And those responsible for the lies and messaging of this movie deserve the good sound thumping and cannot be allowed to get away with profiting from whitewashing the truth about the Islamic World and about Islam and its imperialist, supremacist, genocidal agenda. Dhimmitude must be frowned upon as something akin to being anti-freedom, anti-democracy, anti-rule-of-law and anti-human-rights. Oh, wait... dhimmitude is essentially all of that, as Islam, the very ideology to which it slavishly submits, is all of that!

And, leftists, before you come into my comments thread again, ask yourself if you've proven to yourselves, beyond all doubt, that you really understand the real world or are simply submitting to propaganda and politically correct lies such as you get from the CAIR, Michael Moore, Michael Winterbottom and similar others.