Saturday, August 11, 2007

Chinese MSM Performs "Mind Control": Ex-Propagandist

Story here. h/t: WND

No surprise there. This former Communist agent only confirms what we know.

Related thought:

Not only that, the way he describes the CCP's control over the dissemination of information/disinformation reminds me precisely of the control exerted over the Canadian MSM by the Liberal Party, particularly under former Liberal PM Chretien. During Chretien's regime, the MSM usually favored Liberals and Liberal policies, but after Martin took over from Chretien, we saw the MSM suddenly turn against the Liberals, particularly Martin. One must therefore wonder if the MSM is actually loyal to the Chretien side of the Liberal Party, not really the Party as a whole. Interesting!

Of course, the MSM worldwide tends to submit to and impose "progressive" agendae via politically-correct programming/reporting content, filtering, spinning, commentary, etc...

And the "progressive" movement appears to have, quasi-CCP-style, somehow taken effective control of much of the state apparati of Free World nations, regardless of whom gets elected and on what platform. For example, we've recently witnessed bureaucracies in Canada refusing to follow directives from the current Conservative government, whereas we never heard of such resistance from the state apparatus under Liberal rule. Think about that. Who's really in charge, the elected officials or the rest of the state apparatus, which we know is predominantly saturated with "progressive" extremists and activists appointed/hired based on their hard-left/politically-correct ideology/partisan Liberal orientation.

Is this too farfetched or does it sound familiar to you?