Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Firemen Sue City For Sexual Harassment, Religious Offence in Forced 'Pride' Parade Participation

Story here.

"These men were sexually harassed in clear violation of San Diego's sexual harassment code," he said. "Further, the California Constitution's freedom of speech provision prohibits compelled speech. What the firefighters were ordered to do was endorse what goes on at this parade through their participation in it."

Hmm... you know, if this lawsuit fails, then what it means is that, for example, "gay" firefighters can legally be forced to participate, in uniform, in a straight, orthodox-Christian pride parade and endure things they find personally offensive! Or that Muslim firefighters can legally be compelled to participate, in uniform, in an Israeli-and-Judaism parade, a "gay" parade, a pig-farmers' parade, etc. And that atheist progressive liberal leftist revolutionaries can be forced to take part in conservative Christian events in which everyone is expected to be on their best behavior and not look, speak nor act in an un-Christian manner. So this will be interesting!

They reported hearing statements such as, "show me your hose," "you can put out my fire," "you're making me hot," "give me mouth-to-mouth," and "blow my hose." When they refused to respond to the crowd, some in the crowd turned hostile and started shouting, "F--- you firemen" and others began "flipping them off."

"In one regard, forcing these firefighters to participate in this parade has removed the artificial veneer of legitimacy from this event to expose it for what it truly is – a temporary suspension of decency laws in the name of inclusion and diversity," said Brian Rooney, a spokesman for the center. "The debauched and decadent conduct at this parade clearly violates municipal codes that prohibit public nudity and obscenity. The city has played make believe long enough."

I've long said that this special type of parade was proof that politicians have ordered the police to not enforce certain laws, like those against public nudity and lewd, suggestive, provocative behaviors. Seems anything sexually offensive is officially sanctioned for these special folks in this special event. Of course the media says nothing, having been warned to not dare even report that there's some guys with their shmeckels shockingly, gaily, offensively hanging (or pointing) around as they paraded in front of spectators, some of whom would be children brought by irresponsible parents. This in a society that still arrests straight women for simply being topless anywhere except in an officially-sanctioned progressive liberal leftist revolutionary public event!

The event is also offensive to the firefighters on the basis of mocking/insulting their religious faith:

"There is a transvestite group dressed up as nuns that marches in this parade every year in crude mockery of the Catholic faith," said Richard Thompson, president of the center. "No other religion would be treated this way.

Wonder why these parades never dare mock or insult the Muslim faith, which is murderously intolerant of sexual extremism of any kind, particularly homosexuality? Why are "gays" afraid of Muslims but not Christians?

"And for the city of San Diego to sponsor such an event and for its political leaders to endorse such behavior by their presence is outrageous. Two of the firefighters who are Catholic were forced to endorse such mockery of their faith by being forced to participate in the parade."

Oh, but it's ok as long as it's politically correct. And politicians and the state apparatus deem what is and isn't ok for the purpose of the suspension of the law, the Constitution and human rights. Right? Think not? Then prove otherwise, in the face of the above facts! Make a fool of yourself if you wish!

I'm so sick and tired of the progressive liberal leftist revolutionary state apparatus literally taking away or suspending peoples' rights in the name of the elevation, exaltation, canonization, supremacism of a selected few special, preferred, favored groups of folks who do not have the courage to be equal, who do not want to have equal rights and responsiblities, who do not want to be subject to the same laws as everyone else! I'm sick and tired of these groups exerting supremacy over ordinary, regular citizens, making us second-class, taking away our rights, hurting us with reckless, uncaring, inhuman, selfish, hedonisitc impunity...