Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Homonazism in San Diego

Yep. I've just coined a new term: "homonazism"/"homonazi".


Read this and you'll see why the term is needed to describe homosexuals and militant, pro-homosexual non-homosexuals who force their ideology on people against their will, in violation of their civil rights, in a hurtful, harassing, hateful manner.

What happened is shameful, disgusting, a violation of the firefighters' civil rights by the lesbian fire chief who directly ordered them to participate in the infamously offensive San Diego homosexual parade.

What the firefighters went through is sexual harassment. And it happened because their homonazi boss ordered them to go through it... or else.

Isn't it terrible, now that they have to explain to people that they don't endorse the ideology in question and were forced to participate or face disciplinary action or perhaps lose their jobs?

Well, guess what? The firefighters whose rights were violated, who were subject by their homonazi boss to a hostile work environment and terrible, public sexual harassment, are suing!

They're suing. They won't submit. They won't let the progressinazis get away with trampling their civil rights and tyrannizing them thusly!

Someone call the ACLU! Oh, wait... nah... we know that they don't really care about everyone's civil rights; they only aim to advance the progressinazi agenda by pretending to be about "civil rights". So, as it would militate against their real agenda to help these firefighters whose civil rights were trod upon, they won't even give them the time of day.

No matter... there are other organizations... which actually DO care about civil rights and liberties, and who are helping the firefighters.

The progressinazis... did they expect the people to wilfully submit to such oppression and tyranny? If they did, then they're just beginning to find out the inconvenient truth about regular folks, who will NOT submit!

Y'all know what? I think there's a sort of "cold war" now underway between regular folks and the progressinazis/leftists/liberals.

They brought it on. We, the people, have no choice but to win. We are awakening to the grim reality that our rights are in the process of being taken away by the progressinazis and will go to court and so on to keep them. The progressinazis have no leg to stand on, no basis for doing what they do, so they cannot win without cheating. This is the advantage we have over them: our rights are clearly guaranteed and they're trampling them! We will win, not the progressinazis.

See also here, for more, including what the chief had to say for herself. She claims that she "apologized" to the victims and will have an "internal investigation". It appears to me that she's in denial that she's done anything wrong and is trying to blame nonexistent persons. Nevertheless, the lawsuit appears to be going ahead.

I don't think that the chief should be able to weasel out of this. The firefighters made it clear what she had done and it's apparently going to go to court.

Related post: Lesbo Fire Chief Under Fire for Discrimination, Sexual Harrassment - see, this isn't the first time this kind of homonazism has happened.

Overall, this whole "GLBT" thing is getting too extreme, too imposing, too fascist. It just isn't right. Society must start to frown upon such offensive, radical public extremism and declare it a value that people keep their "sexuality" as private and discreet as possible rather than walk down the streets like complete assfoolclownshitheads whipping out their tallywhackers and waving them in peoples' faces.

I just don't like rudeness, fascism and extremism.