Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Canadian Buck Nearly Equals US Buck: 98 Cents US Today

Feels like yesterday that we had a Liberal dictatorship and a dollar worth as little as about 60 cents US.

Today, following the crushing defeats of the Liberals in the Quebec byelections, we see the Loonie (that's what it's nicknamed, my American friends, owing to the loon on it and the $2 coin is the "Toonie", though I expected it it to be called the "Nookie", owing to the polar bear on it and my dad's funny prediction when it was about to circulate) is now worth 98 cents US.

My hat's off to economist Jeff Rubin for correctly predicting that the Loonie would eventually reach parity. He's close enough now to be considered correct.

O Canada, what a long way you've come, baby. From depressing old Librano Soviet Canuckistan to Conservative-led international player once again under a responsible government who keeps her promises and does the right things morally, you are once again a great country, and not just in the hearts of Canadians, but in many other ways that've been absent for oh, so, sooooo long.

I've seen the benefits already. No longer do cars and trucks relatively cost an arm and two legs compared to in the US. Now the prices appear to be nearly identical at first glance, with hardly any noticeable difference.

The other stuff will soon follow, thanks to the realities of the free market/capitalist system.

Yes, our manufacturers complain that the higher dollar "makes them less competitive". But I'd suggest that instead of whining and doing nothing, our manufacturers implement aggressive productivity-improvement plans and, along with reasonable Canadians who understand the desperate need, continue demanding lower, more competitive corporate tax rates.

Ever since we smartened up and dumped those gawdawful, crooked, entitlist Liberals/Liebrano$$$ and entrusted our country with the Conservatives led by the super-brilliant Stephen Harper, things just keep on getting better. Anyone who'd deny this is a puffinpoopheaded moonbat who'll only listen to and think what their elitist leaders tell them.

Finally, Canada is shedding its inferiority complex.

And we didn't have to call Bush and America bad things to accomplish this, either!

Congratulations, Canada!

The best is yet to come! Just as Stephen Harper promised before we chose to trust him with our votes! Remember, he said: "I believe, for Canada, the best is yet to come". Well, he hasn't disappointed me, that's for sure, and there's still a whole helluva lot more good stuff in the offing, as long as we keep supporting Stephen.

Now we grab a beer, stand up and holler!