Saturday, September 15, 2007

CCP Propaganda Machine Attacks WND

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is blaming World Net Daily for its own action-justified terrible image of producing cheap crappy and dangerous products for export all over the world.

World Net Daily itself reports on this, the latest of the lies from the evil SinoCommie regime.

And the CCP is using a mere article of MSM commentary (not factual news reporting) as the foundation for its attack on WND.

The commentary to which the CCP alludes implies something sinister on the part of WND without one tiny fiber of evidence. It's basically the politically-correct-to-approaching-fatally-flawedness MSM attacking WND, whose motto is "A Free Press for a Free People".

But this is a sign of WND's power, reach and impact, which the CCP has obviously noticed and which made them train their propaganda machine's crosshairs upon WND since a few years ago:

It's not the first time the official Chinese media have launched an attack specifically at WND. In 2002, the Chinese newspaper Renmin Ribao accused the U.S. news media are painting a sinister picture of the threat posed by China mentioning the "most famous WorldNetDaily" by name as the major culprit in a report later distributed by the BBC.

Well, China does unfortunately pose a grave, imminent threat, not only to the world as a whole, but also to all within its borders, particularly the Falun Gong, against whom the CCP is waging a holocaust with the aim of eradicating this peaceful, tolerant, compassionate religious minority group in time for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, which are facing growing calls for a boycott for, amongst other crimes against humanity and atrocities, organ harvesting of live human dissidents and the persecution and extermination campaign against the Falun Gong, a campaign that the MSM refuses to even investigate, much less tell the people of the Free World about!

I have been blogging quite a bit for some time now about the evilness and grave, imminent threat posed by the CCP against the Chinese people and the people of the entire world. In fact, I have little doubt that the CCP is planning to start a World War, in fact, when it sees an opportunity it believes will potentially allow them to annex much more land in the interest of the CCP and the CCP alone.

Indeed, WND has been at the forefront of investigating Chinese imports ever since the pet food scandal that killed or injured an estimated 39,000 dogs and cats in the U.S. earlier this year.

Apparently WND is now considered to be an "inconvenient dissident" by the CCP. Too bad the CCP can't simply arrest WND, put 'em on a table, give 'em an injection and remove and sell their organs for obscene profits obviously to be used to prepare for a World War. Or simply blow their brains out on the edge of a latrine. Or starve them and torture them endlessly in an attempt to force them to abandon the truth, to be brainwashed into believing whatever the hellbound Communists tell them.

The CCP must be real pissed that it can't shut up WND.

And it is apparent by what the CCP is saying is that these reports, based on fact, are threatening China's "Social Stability", which is infamous CCP codespeak for "threatening to the CCP" and their core rationalization for refusing to respect anyone's human rights and for their campaign to eradicate the Falun Gong, who believes very, very strongly in human rights, and who is apparently viewed by the CCP as some kind of "enemy".

Well, the Nazis viewed the Jews as their enemy. The Islamic fascists, too, plus all who aren't Islamic. As the progressive liberal leftist revolutionaries (international socialists) view non-leftists theirs as well. So it doesn't surprise me that a paranoid, evil, totalitarian, imperialist butchership such as under the CCP would view a peaceful group to be a threat.

Never forget that free speech is murderously forbidden by the CCP and that all media in China are vetted by the CCP with strict rules as to what can and cannot be reported, particularly anything critical of the way things are run in China by the CCP.

Who to believe, then? The CCP, or the WND, whose motto is "A Free Press for a Free People", and who is always willing to be politically incorrect and is utterly fearless about digging up and reporting the truth, no matter whom and how many it will offend?

Neither the WND nor I, nor millions of others will stop telling the truth about the evildoers, be they CCP or any other.

That is a promise.