Sunday, September 16, 2007

Liberals Infighting, Panicking on By-Election Eve: CTV

Story here.
Above: Stephane Dion getting himself in a mess immediately upon becoming Liberal "leader"
Below: Stephane Dion desperately trying to dazzle Canadians with a silly trick to distract from his poor leadership performance and the total, to-the-bone-marrow screwed-up-ness of the Liberal Party.

Above: Silly assfoolclown Stephane can only get himself into one mess after another no matter what he does

I have a question: What reasons have the Liberals given Canadians, particularly those voting in Monday's by-elections, to support them? Oh, never mind... it doesn't appear to have made any difference... and I doubt it will when we learn of the results.
I mean, why on earth vote Liberal, unless one has lost one's memory completely and is perfectly naive, thus guillible enough to believe them when they say nice things about themselves and nasty things about everyone else?