Tuesday, September 11, 2007

US, UK Discover Chinese Plot for "Pearl Harbor II"

I've for some time now, as regular readers may recall, been suggesting that the evil Communist regime of China (which is currently waging a holocaust against the Falun Gong with a view to eradicating this kind, peaceful religious group in time for the 2008 Olympics) will likely sooner rather than later commit an act of war against the Free World, as the Chinese Communist Party is already collapsing fast in terms of membership following the release of the damning book "The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" which exposes the horrible truth about the CCP to the Chinese people. I would expect some big, dangerous move from that evil regime in a panic attempt to somehow survive by starting the next World War rather than collapse completely.

Story here.

America's key allies in the Pacific – Japan and Taiwan – could be left virtually defenseless in a deadly cyberwar attack China has secretly prepared.

Codenamed "Pearl Harbor II" by the Pentagon, the plan calls for a simultaneous attack on the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet in the Pacific and the disabling of communications at its headquarters at Pearl Harbor and with the Pentagon.

The plan has been uncovered by signals intelligence specialists at Britain's Government Communications Headquarters and at the equally ultra-secret National Security Agency base at Menwith Hill near Harrogate in the north of the country.

Using a state-of-the-art software program called Moonpenny, the specialists have tracked the activities of the Chinese People's Liberation Army scientists based at their underground headquarters in the Western Hills outside Beijing. The scientists have been briefed to achieve "electronic dominance" not only in the Pacific but over all China's global military rivals in the U.S., Britain, Russia and South Korea.

World Net Daily also reports again about the Islamic terrorists' desire for and efforts towards acquiring an electromagnetic pulse weapon for use in a missile to knock out America's electronic and computer systems.

A new report says a SCUD-type missile launched from a small ship 200 miles from the coast of the United States could unleash a nuclear-generated electromagnetic pulse over Washington, D.C., that would leave behind $771 billion in damage.

"More than five countries have the capability to inflict an EMP attack. Rogue regimes and terrorists know all about EMP and are working to acquire this weapon. We know the odds of our house burning down in any given year are very low, but that doesn't mean we will cancel our fire insurance," said U.S. Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md. "If America doesn't develop insurance against EMP, we will increase the odds of inviting this type of unimaginable attack in the future."


Experts have predicted the EMP attack essentially would destroy any electronics within range of its impact, leaving technology comparable to that available in the 1800s.

EMP attacks are generated when a nuclear weapon is detonated anywhere from 10 miles above the Earth's surface to hundreds of miles. The explosion, of even a small nuclear warhead, would produce a set of electromagnetic pulses that interact with the Earth's atmosphere and the Earth's magnetic field.

Read it all.

The progressive liberal leftist revolutionary fools, such as one fellow who goes by the pseudonym "Balbulican", will naturally scoff at all of this, dismissing it as mere "conspiracy theorism". But they'd have done so if warned of the first Pearl Harbor being a possiblity or of the attacks of 9/11/01 potentially happening. So we would be insane to listen to the fools on the anencephalic left.