Monday, December 10, 2007

As Iraq Improves, MSM Ignores

Seems the MSM is only interested in reporting negative stuff.

A conservative media watchdog has conducted a study which documents that as conditions in Iraq have improved over the course of the last three months, coverage of the war on the big three networks has decreased.

The Media Research Center (MRC) says for more than three years, the major networks offered extensive coverage of the failures in Iraq and placed a skeptical spin on General David Petraeus' September 10 surge progress report. But Tim Graham, who serves as director of media analysis at the MRC, says the networks' zeal for reporting on Iraq has declined as the violence and casualties have declined in the war-torn country in recent months.

The likely implication?

Graham thinks if this trend continues, it will certainly affect the networks coverage during the upcoming presidential election year. "I expect the Iraq issue will pretty much drop out of the race, especially in the Democratic side," he predicts. "But I think perhaps the overconfidence the Democrats have had this year will evaporate a little -- and so they will go back to worrying about their real weakness on national security."

Come to think of it, what does the Left have going for it other than bad stuff happening in Iraq/Afghanistan and and very little else of consequence? Is this all the Democrats in the US, the Liberals in Canada and so on have to offer voters: fearmongering with a view to scaring people away from voting for conservative political parties who understand the importance of fighting terrorism and other threats, both at home and abroad?

The narrow agenda of the MSM and the Left is being exposed via observation of their ignorant, denying posture pertaining to good news replacing the bad news for which they hunger. Clearly, good news is an inconvenient truth for the MSM/Left! What a bunch of depressing sad sacks!