Saturday, April 05, 2008

Gov't: No Unconstitutional, Liberal Fascist Persecution for Lukiwski's 'Thought Crime'

Story here.

Mr. Lukiwski has apologized fully and made absolute amends; he has paid the price for his drunken "thought crime" of long ago. He is a good MP. He can do a good job.

People need to accept his apology. There is nothing to be gained by practicing the Liberal Fascist Double Standard and taking away his rights.

Oh, and as for what far-left NDP MP Bill Siksay says, which is,

"I thought it was a sincere apology, but I think we have to wait and hear how folks in the gay community across Canada, the gay community in Saskatchewan and other Canadians who are concerned about dealing with homophobia and issues of equality and tolerance, how they respond to his apology," Mr. Siksay said.

Those words are ominiously frightening, chilling. Mr. Siksay pretends to be nice, but we can decipher his code speech here. He is saying that his special group will deem the punishment for Mr. Lukiwski's "thought crime", nowithstanding his full apology. Whatever punishment that will be will not be just and fair, as we know from the way they treat those they hate for not fully endorsing the specific physical stuff they practice.

I fear that there's going to be a big propaganda movement to crucify Mr. Lukiwski for simply saying stupid, offensive things, privately, at a rowdy, homogeneous drunken party. Notwithstanding that "gays", too, of course, say horrific things about people they hate, namely people who simply don't endorse certain sexual practices, even though they really aren't hurting anyone in refusing to endorse such. No harm, no foul.

What a stroke of good luck, an opportunity for the fascist, extremist fringe of the "gay" movement to further the recommendations of the extremely radical, fascist propaganda book After the Ball.

I seriously doubt that normal gay folks would want to see Mr. Lukiwski crucified for simply having a different point of view, or at least saying stupid stuff, privately, while inebriated. Because gays are human, too, and know full well that they have uttered terrible words about people who are different. They're living in glass houses, and they know it.

And for certain there will be a left-wing conspiracy to use this little ancient drunken offensive blurb to beat up on the Conservative government with brass knuckles, sledgehammers, baseball bats and two by fours with nails in them... by trying to paint the whole party with a broad brush. Well, if this happens, then we can do it to the left: We can then call all "gay" NDP MPs jewel thieves and all Liberal MPs criminals and Islamic fascists. Go ahead. I'm ready to play the game, personally.

Don't do that, Mr. Siksay. Because of the dangerous implications for turnabout in the future. If, for example, you personally are caught on tape saying horrible things about devout Christians, would you hope that a full, unequivocal apology would be accepted and that you wouldn't have to face total life ruination, to have an example made of you and to intimidate people from speaking their minds privately? You don't think that your thoughts can be criminalized, too?

Come on. Live and let live. In an open, free and democratic society, one cannot be persecuted and crucified for one's private thoughts, even if caught on tape. Otherwise, Canada is no better than Communist China or murderously Islamofascist Saudi Arabia. Like hell I'll just submit to this form of fascist mind control and let you transform this free society into a non-free society.

I, therefore, openly, loudly oppose the Liberal Fascism that's being brought onto Mr. Lukiwski and the Conservative governement and, in fact, all Canadians who thought they had an inalienable right to have a different point of view, notwithstanding its degree of stupidity and offensiveness.

If one is wrong, then the wrongness simply need be demonstrated and the wronger exposed as such.

But don't take away peoples' rights. Don't go there. It's a dangerously slippery slope that can affect anyone, no matter who.