Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Poor Get Richer Under Harper Conservatives: StatsCan

Story here.

The Left likes to accuse conservatives of causing the poor to get poorer, but now we know that they're wrong about that. In fact, under the Conservative government of Stephen Harper, Canada's poor actually got richer.

OTTAWA - The rich did not get richer in 2006, but the poor did, according to a Statistics Canada report yesterday.

Maybe the Liberals, NDP and Bloc ought to get some new accusatory talking points, seeing as the Conservatives made the poor, not the rich, richer. No longer can they accuse the Tories of "making the rich richer and the poor poorer".

Conservatism is better for the alleviation of poverty than is socialism, therefore. StatsCan data prove it. Not only are more people working, those on the lower end of the income scale are making more money as well. How can anyone oppose this? Only the Left would, as it's an inconvenient truth that just might take the wind out of their sails.

As a result of strong economic growth and gains in employment, pre-tax family income rose by 2.1% after inflation -- an increase for the third consecutive year, Statistics Canada said.

And thanks to increases in government transfers, aftertax incomes also rose by 2.1%.

So we have both economic growth and the government helping some people via transfers. See? We don't need more multibilliondollar social programs after all! Are you listening, Libs, Dippers and Blocqistes?

Well, read the whole thing and see how conservatism is making Canada and Canadians better off. Only a moron would oppose conservatism now and turn to socialism.

Those who vote for the socialist parties now have another compelling reason to vote Conservative instead.

Oh, and don't forget that there have been significant tax cuts for everyone under the Conservatives, too, so the improvement is actually even better than the above alone indicates.

Who in their right mind would vote for anyone other than the Conservatives now?