Saturday, August 16, 2008

NBC Are Environmental Hypocrites: Use Outdoor A/C

The NBC Peacock tells us to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to save the world, but then turns around and fails to prove it means it.

Story here. ht: DRUDGE

You know that they don't really believe what they're telling us in reports, no matter how sensational and alarmist they may be... when they fail to show us that they're as scared of causing climate-change catastrophe that'll supposedly wipe out all life on earth or whatever.

They don't want to give up their energy-consuming comforts, so they don't. Guess they could care less if they help destroy the planet... if they even believe they are, which I doubt... I think they're just saying on the news what they've been told to say, regardless of whether they agree or disagree with their politically-correct, ultra-far-left bosses. Of course, maybe the outdoor A/C was the boss' idea and the anchors didn't demand it, making their lying bosses the real hypocrites. Who knows?

Next time the mainstream media tells you to stop doing this, stop doing that, ask them if they have. Demand they prove it, too. Otherwise, just tune them out and read right-wing blogs and news sites online. At least conservatives won't tell you dishonest, unbelievable-to-the-thinking-person nonsense like the mainstream media does.

Political correctness... you find yourself being forced, against your will, to say the right thing to please those liberal fascists who are everywhere, but privately you curse the effin' asshats and declare, away from work or away from cameras and microphones, that they're totally fullashit and that you'll privately think, say and do the opposite of what they say. And vote for politicians and political parties who openly (or at least subtly) disagree with much of what those Chicken Littlists claim, and offer a more sane, rational, realistic, workable, balanced, scientifically-sound approach to the issue at hand and to other issues. An approach that the average person will actually be able to get behind.

Besides, only fools believe that global emissions will be reduced. They won't. Just watch them accelerate their rise. And just watch the climate stay pretty much the same. And remind yourself that weather-related disasters have always happened and always will, no matter what you and I and everyone else does.

Personally, I only conserve energy to save money. Because it's fiscally wise for me to do so, not that I believe that using an air conditioner will destroy the planet. Oh, I don't have A/C so far, as I've found that my new apartment, with big windows in every room (except the bathroom, though I now have a new ventilation fan in the ceiling there) allows serious cross-ventilation, plus some strategically-placed fans get the air moving around, in and out if there's no wind outside. I'm just glad I don't live in, say, Arizona, New Mexico or Texas, where I'm pretty sure A/C is considered mandatory. I drive more conservatively, too, right now, but only due to the cost of gas and to the fact that I don't rake money in hand over fist like Al Gore does (he consumes a reported twenty times more energy than the average person).

Think about it this way: The global-warming-climate-change alarmist campaign will not do what its proponents say it will. It will only make life harder for those of us who aren't as rich as folks like Al Gore and cannot absorb higher energy prices and taxes like he can, without a wince, with nary the slightest groan or whine.

If only there was a way to make Al Gore hurt from this, then maybe I'd be likely to support imposing the hardships on him like he wants to impose on the less fortunate amongst us.

What are we, serfs, peasants? What are folks like Al Gore, feudal overlords, pushing and pulling us around as if slaves, expecting us to shut up and submit, doing whatever they tell us?

Sheesh... and they call themselves "progressive"? Oh, they must be thinking, "progressive for me, 'cause the little, poor people will surrender their money so I can get richer by giving them this brilliant, genius, hard-to-oppose bullshit... the poor little chumps and suckers... excellent! *cackle, cackle*"... Damn, Al Gore and his kind are just like Mr. Burns, Homer Simpson's greedy, evil boss!

Screw the fat-cat climate-change con artists!