Friday, September 26, 2008

Liberals' 'Green Shift' NOT 'Revenue Neutral': Mutinious Liberal

Another Liberal with a big mouth has opened it. Cue the violins to annoy the already frustrated Lyin' Stephane Dion and make Michael "Puffin Poop" Ignatieff look even more murderously furious than usual. While Skinny-Dippin' Boob Ray simply shows us his bunny teeth, trying to figure out something leftist to say.

ht: National Newswatch

This plan is not “revenue-neutral”. Seriously, when are taxes “revenue-neutral”? I guess that’s some pretty good weed they’ve got going around Liberal policy conventions as of late. They come out with nice ideas, just not ones that are practical and can be easily sold to voters (well, I suppose they could be if they were more up front about what the policy entails).

And the Liberals had just made another of their own walk the plank for being a hateful anti-Semite! Wanna bet that they'll poke this latest dumbass's butt with a cutlass and tell 'im to "walk"?

Poor, poor, pitiful Captain Stephane Dion. Mutiny on the Bad Ship Librano! Even the Librano$$ are all defeatist now, speaking out, indicating that they know they're royally screwed, ain't gonna git back behind the till!

Yo, ho, ho... An' a bottle o' rum!

And the MSM thinks the Conservatives have the most problems with brainfarting bigmouths? They can't even hold a torch to the mutinous Librano pirates!

William Bligh must be thinking, "Y'know, even I didn't have it that bad!"

And if that weren't bad enough news for the Lyin' Captain Dion...

Liberals Totally Screwed: Poll

OTTAWA - Support for the federal Liberal party is crumbling, so much so that the New Democratic Party appears to have a realistic chance of forming the official Opposition, according to a new poll commissioned for Canwest News Service and Global National.

Wacko Taliban Jacko Layton beating the pants off of Professor Poopypants? Funny, I don't see pigs flying, so I guess it's not all that surprising, as both the Nudies and Librano$$$ are basically two pees in the ultra-far-left-wing extremist pod.

Thirty-nine per cent of the respondents said they would vote Conservative, about the same number as a similar poll a week ago. Just 23 per cent of respondents said they would vote Liberal, a drop of four percentage points in a week while 18 per cent would pick the NDP, a gain for that party of three percentage points.

Support for the Green party also climbed in the week, by two percentage points up to 11 per cent.

In the 2006 federal election, the Conservatives received 36 per cent of the popular vote compared to 30 per cent for the Liberals, 17 per cent for the NDP and five per cent for the Greens.

Looks like the Far Left is now badly splintered. It's headless-chicken time for the Left!

The Liberals? No pity for them. They did it all to themselves, the crooks! Oh, and they're also stupider than hell. Their platform looks like a crappy university-course project by a distracted, unmotivated, unfocussed, last-minute-toiling D-minus student.

Oh, and thanks to the big-mouthed Librano, I believe the police should investigate whether the Liberals smoke weed at their conventions. Smoking weed might help explain their mental disorder.