Monday, September 01, 2008

Mrs. Bush Warns Left, MSM: "Don't Be Sexist"

Above: American Vice-Presidential running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin holds her daughter. Why won't the hateful, sexist leftists/liberals/progressives leave the Palins alone? The Palins are very nice people, so why attack them with hurtful lies and smears?

The Left is getting all sexist and hateful all of a sudden. Tch, tch... such blatant hypocrisy, the way they attack Vice Presidential running mate Sarah Palin and her family, too, just because she's a woman. For shame!

American First Lady Laura Bush isn't very pleased with the Left's behavior and takes them to task...

“The other side will have to be particularly careful," Bush said in an interview on Fox News from St. Paul, "because that’s something we all looked at."

Questioned about whether Palin may face sexism from the media in the way Hillary Rodham Clinton supporters claim she did, Bush said:
"I think that's a possibility."


"I’m going to get what I wanted, which is to be able to vote for a Republican woman," Bush said.

"People, as they get to know her, are going to be so impressed with her grit and her sensible judgment.”
"She has shown how terrific women can be, and how strong women can be, in office.”

Yeah! That's tellin' the ever-so-infantile Leftists, Mrs. Bush!
The racism, sexism, bigotry, hatefulness, all sorts of bizarre phobias and all kinds of bad stuff the Left (or "liberals" or "progressives" or whatever label) keeps on demonstrating, even right after maliciously, falsely accusing non-leftists of the same stuff... this sickens me so!

You will never catch me voting for a leftist party or candidate. Because I know what kind of an ideology, what kind of an extremist movement they're all about. Just watch them demonstrate their hatefulness and extremism as we speak!


Obama says a baby is "a punishment":

I didn't make this up. Obama himself spoke those words. And his meaning is clear. It also bears mentioning, in this context, that he supports infanticide on demand. Just like pretty much all left-wing/liberal/progressive extremists.