Tuesday, September 23, 2008

On "The Arts"

So the ultra-far-left-wing extremists are jumping up and down and quacking like an enraged Donald Duck. So?

What, do they believe they're entitled to something?

Do they believe they're entitled to take away the taxpayers' money so that they can have whatever fun they want? So they can go to fancy parties and mingle with other pompous, pretentious, elitist, big-city, politically-correct, far-left-leaning, "urbane", "sophisticated" phony-ass, homonormative, dhimmi, substance-devoid useful-idiot folks without paying for it themselves? So that they can take a dump on a piece of canvas and call it "art"? So that they can stand on their head naked on the boardwalk, calling it "art"?

I also find it laughable that "artists" and leftists are accusing the government of "censorship" and such. Utterly absurd, as there's none whatsoever; it takes a truly disordered mind to equate not being paid by the taxpayers for one's "expression" to censorship, as one can still express oneself howsoever one pleases and isn't being told not to. Besides, the taxpayers, by and large, haven't specifically given any particular artists their express consent to take their money to create just whatever the "artists" want, no matter how disgusting, ugly, stupid, you name the adjective...

Why the hell must I have my money taken away so that artsy-fartsy left-wing elites and entitlists can make a living creating crap and calling it art?

There are things far more important than "art" that require increased funding, like defence, security, the medical system, infrastructure, etc.

Art is NOT a public good.

The government has no business taking our money and giving it to just anyone who demands it.

We demand that the government spend our money wisely. If there must be some contribution to "arts" and "culture" that somehow actually, demonstrably enhances our country, particularly on the world stage, then it must be disbursed carefully, rather than to just anybody who makes some kind of crap, calls it "art" and demands money for it as if somehow entitled.

Besides, if an artist cannot sell art privately, then it's logical that the artist's "art" isn't considered worthy of being called "art", or it's an art that no one would want to hang on their wall or put on a shelf or whatever anyway. Not everyone's got what it takes to be an artist. But we don't have to have our money taken away just so that some folks can be deluded into believing that they're artists when they aren't.

The whole thing sounds like de-facto communism. And waste of taxpayer dollars.

I support the Conservatives' rationalization of arts funding. Only real art, and art that enhances Canada, rather than degrades it or makes it an international laughingstock, shall be considered for support with our money.

Personally, I don't see any point of the state being involved in art. Art is something which The People are supposed to produce and appreciate, without state intervention, interference, direction or coercion. We don't need the state to try to have anything to do with art; the state shouldn't interfere, should keep its hands off, shouldn't waste our money on art anyway, as we really don't need it. Sure, we want it, but it's up to us as individuals to create, acquire, appreciate it, not the government, certainly not with our money without our consent!

So the quacking "artists" are just being a bunch of disgruntled socialists.

Besides, if those left-wing weirdoes and clowns can make a living creating whatever they please and taking taxpayer money, then, guess what? I want some of that taxpayer money, too! But, of course, I know I don't deserve it, nor do the taxpayers want to pay me for doing posts on this here blog. Really, it'd be a waste of money. Besides, leftists who disagree with what I write, who may be offended or even enraged by it, do you think they want their tax dollars going into my pocket? Nuh-uh!

It's unfair that some folks can produce crap and take, via the government, my money for it without my consent!

Only selfish, mentally-disordered assholes would complain about the government spending tax dollars more wisely. But the ultra-far left is complaining, and making false accusations against the government just because the government will not, from now on, disburse our tax dollars to purveyors of pornography, violence, hate propaganda, leftist propaganda, etc...

Leftists, "progressives", "liberals", whatever. I wish they'd STFU, go away and get a real life! I'm sick and tired of having my hard-earned money taken away just so they can have fun or get a check for producing crap or even for doing nothing at all.