Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The "Progressive", "Liberal" Left Is In Big Trouble

That's my declaration now. No links; it's what I'm saying. This is me being the pundit.

The Left is in trouble. The Left is melting down, unable to respond to the choice of Sarah Palin as the Republican VP running mate in any way other than with insane jealousy, hatred and malicious defamation. And with aggressive physical violence against Republicans, reminiscent of the days when the Democratic Party was using its terrorist wing, the Ku Klux Klan, to intimidate and murder Republicans, both Black and White.

Let's hope they don't restart the lynchings all over again! Somebody keep a close eye on the ex-KKKers in the Democratic Party, including the one currently serving as a Democratic Senator!

The Left is now more unhinged than ever before, and over what? Not a war. Nothing like that. Over someone who, through no fault of her own, makes them feel, well, inferior and inadequate, not to mention green with envy.

I now see more people beginning to awaken to the aroma of the coffee of reality, realize what kind of ideology/movement the liberal/progressive left really is, and make the move to defect to the other side. This happened after 9/11, after the Iraq war began and is now happening again.

How can anyone in their right mind stay with the Left now, as they see Leftists everywhere spewing such vile hatred and slander against a nice person just because she's a woman, a mother, smart, successful, conservative, Christian, and running alongside John McCain in the upcoming American Presidential election? Not to mention "progressive" Leftist lunatics going around commiting physical violence against Republican delegates.

The "progressive", "liberal" Left is in a meltdown.

The Democrats and Barack Obama have already lost the election. And they know it. No wonder they're engaging in a sort of "scorched earth" campaign now, sort of like when Saddam Hussein lit up all those oil wells as he retreated from Kuwait...

Witness the defections now...

And watch out for Democrats and other Leftists in white robes with pointy hoods. They just might revert to their old murderously hateful ways...