Wednesday, September 03, 2008

"Progressives" And Conservative Female Abuse

We're talking about the extremely, dangerously hateful, self-labelled-as-"progressive" Left.

Conservative writer Michelle Malkin discusses a disturbing phenomenon amongst the Left called Conservative Female Abuse.

Read The Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse and understand exactly how sexist, misogynist and hatefully intolerant the Left is.

The four stages are: Infantilization, Sexualization, Demonization and Dehumanization.

The types of intolerance and hatred coming from the Left aren't restricted to sexism, either. They'll readily, whenever convenient to their agenda, use racism, religious intolerance, you name it. Just wait for them to start spewing intolerant hatred towards conservatives who are Muslims and homosexuals. Leftists will get away with any and all kinds of expressions of hatred, for the mainstream media won't punish them, nor will the courts, for they're also dominated today by radically hateful Leftists. It often goes unreported and unpunished. Rarely do we hear of it.

The Left is so hateful, so intolerant, one cannot help but be concerned as to how far they're going to go in the future. They're already using physical violence against people they hate, not that this violence is getting much coverage from the Far-Left mainstream media, who will protect their comrades-in-arms at any and all costs.

The Left is a dangerous movement!