Tuesday, October 07, 2008

These "Artists" Show True Leftist, Partisan Colors

Bunch of entitlist, mentally-disordered Harperphobes.

ht: National Newswatch

To punish those responsible for getting political rather than sticking to their professed "art", don't buy their crap, nor go to their concerts.

The "community organizers" out there leave no stone unturned. They must have amazing powers of persuasion. Probably have hypnotic powers as well. Look at all the useful idiots they've got singing their communist lunacy songs...

Bunch of no-names anyway. Except for the guy from the "Naked Ladies" or whatever it's called (ain't no ladies; just a bunch of ugly leftist guys, one of whom is a coke addict).

One day, professional "artists" will be fearful of the consequences of getting political/partisan/ideological and stick to just their "art". One day. Still, they think they'll get away with it. But we can change this by boycotting them. Amateur "artists" can get as unhinged as they want; as long as they understand they'll remain forever unpaid, then they can be as Harperphobic as they want.

Bunch of artsy-fartsy (mostly fartsy) bums!