Sunday, November 09, 2008

Liberal Campaign Workers Arrested

Cue the violins... Liberals being arrested... big surprise, eh...

ht: National Newswatch

LÉVIS- Five Liberal campaign organizers in Lévis face charges of public mischief after posters of the local Action démocratique du Québec MNA were taken down and replaced with posters of the Liberal candidate.

The organizers were stopped in their car around 10:40 p.m. Friday, Lévis police confirmed yesterday, as the ADQ deplored the "barbarous tactics."

"The vandals aren't just anybody; they're Liberal organizers in Lévis and they were easily identified by police," said MNA Christian Lévesque, calling on Liberal adversary Gilles Lehouillier to apologize.

"The Liberals have disproportionally higher finances than us, so it's particularly odious and indecent that they destroy our material."

Stupid. Very, very stupid. Well, what do you expect from Left-wing extremists? They cheat to win, believe they're entitled to do whatever they want. Sure they do- otherwise they wouldn't do it! We've seen Leftists do this before, as well.