Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hard-Left Coalition Threatens To Topple Tories Over Tax Cuts

How do you like that, my fellow normal, mainstream, working, taxpaying Canadians? We're the folks who pay the bills in this country and the Left thinks we shouldn't get a break. Nice folks they are, those Leftists, who make six figures just for being MPs (and many of them have taxpayer-backed financial security of which we commoners can only dream).

The Hard-Left "Coalition" of the Liberals, the NDP and the Bloc are threatening to bring down the government if it cuts your taxes in the upcoming Budget for the purpose of stimulating consumer spending.

The Leftists pretend that the empirical evidence that tax cuts are stimulatory doesn't exit, that they never heard of all those economies all over the world that saw their GDPs skyrocket when they cut taxes (even America's economy boomed following Bush's tax cuts... didya know!).

I dismiss the Leftists' claims; even so-called "economist" John McCallum (he's not an economist anymore, but a POLITICIAN, which means that he can lie all he wants and later claim that it was simply his own view, even if it was wrong). They want to do what Obama is doing, which is to crank up massive social-program spending permanently so as to foster dependence on the state (and on the Liberals, NDP and Bloc). They know that tax cuts will destroy the dependence that kept the Liberals getting elected over and over again, for fear of loss of entitlements if the scary Conservatives were elected and chopped this and chopped that, chopping which didn't happen.

I prefer tax cuts because they do stimulate the economy (the science is sound; it is proven; there's a consensus; the debate is over; shut up, you deniers!) by keeping money moving freely around in the economy, efficiently, without added-on bureaucratic costs that'd be required if the government were to instead take money and direct it here and there, through bureaucrats who cost money to employ and so on and so forth. In fact, tax cuts are cheaper than spending by government for that very reason, adding extra efficiency in stimulus and lowering the cost pressures on the Treasury.

Besides, if the Left votes against the budget because of the tax cuts, they'll also be voting against $2 billion extra for social housing and $1.5 billion extra for job retraining, plus other reasonable measures. Would they really do that? And who are they to complain? They offered no alternatives, no suggestions! Bunch of fullashit dummies who just want to steal power to impose some weird Hard-Left social-reengineering agenda without the democratic consent of the People!

ht: National Newswatch