Monday, January 12, 2009

"Palestine": A Culture of Death: Hamas MP

ht: Dry Bones Blog, where there's also cartoons!

Note that the Hamashole guy in the video says that in "Palestine", death is "an industry", at which all "Palestinians", including women, children, the elderly and the "mujahadeen" excel.

He indicates that they all seek to become human shields (for Hamas terrorists, who are too cowardly to fight like real men and choose to hide behind the citizenry, not caring what happens to them at all).

Right from the horse's ass, there you have it. That's what Hamas has done to "Palestine": brainwashed the people into being death cultists.

This is another reason why it's imperative for Hamas to be destroyed. Hamas is the deadly enemy not only of Israel, but also of the "Palestinians".

Hamas not only wants to kill the Israelis, but also the "Palestinians".