Monday, February 02, 2009

Ordinarily, These Accusations And This Report Would Bring Screams Of "Racism"

...but not when the accussee is a Conservative Aboriginal!

When this sort of stuff is alleged to happen amongst Aboriginals, we usually hear cries of "racism" and "hate" and so on and so forth. And the Big Media, such as the Globe and Mail, would be very, very careful, if, indeed, they dared say anything at all for fear of making Aboriginals look bad.

But it's ok to attack Aboriginals as long as they're Conservatives. After all, attacking any Conservative at all, no matter to whatever group they belong, will, by extension, make the Conservative Party look bad, so in such a case, the Hard Left, Big Media and the Aboriginal community (whither Phil Fontaine to accuse the babblers of "racism"?), can and will accuse the Aboriginal(s) of whatever they want, making the Conservatives look as bad as possible, even if it'll also make Aboriginals look bad.

Talk about shooting your own people in the foot to make the Conservatives look bad by accusing your own people of wrongdoing. And talk about the Big Media suddenly being unafraid of being "racist" and "hateful" in pointing fingers at Aboriginal Conservatives to make them look bad... After all, it ain't "racist" or "hateful" if the accused Aboriginals are one or more of those big, bad, horrible Conservatives, right?

Oh, by the way, as I don't see the standard blame-the-white-man nonsense being put forth to ameliorate Mr. Brazeau and his new hirees from responsibility for alleged drinking and so on and so forth, I'll put it forth myself, just to be sarcastic: Hey, it's not their fault! It's the white man's fault for their racist treatment of the First Nations Peoples! The white man makes them drink and all that stuff! So leave the poor guys alone; it's not their fault! And give us another five billion dollars or we'll have roadblocks, occupy the white man's communities for ransom, just like we're doing in Caledonia, and call you racists in the next election and the Big Media will be there to interview us as we condemn y'all! Boy, will y'all look bad... so give us five billion more dollars, 'cause everything that's wrong with us is your fault, not ours!

Hey, why not leave Mr. Brazeau alone? After all, he can do no wrong, right? 'Cause he's "Aboriginal", right? Oh, wait... he's a Conservative, so he's guilty, guilty, guilty!

Now do you see how hypocritical, insincere, knee-jerk and politically-motivated those stupid charges of "racism" really are? It's all politics, all partisan gobbleddygook and so on and so forth. And the Liberal Party is the usual beneficiary of this attack propaganda...

Oh, and by the way, I classify this post as "anti-racist" 'cause I'm an anti-racism crusader. Oh, yeah, a real one, unlike the likes of the "Human Rights" Commission Liberal Fascists, Richard Warman and Warren Kinsella and so on and so forth, the whole crapload of those Hard-Left liars who only hurl the "racist" and "hater" charges to hurt and gain a cheating edge over their political and ideological opponents. So any criticism or defamations hurled at me will automatically get the critic/defamer labelled a "racist". So watch what you say, eh!