Friday, July 06, 2012

Elections Canada Selectively Persecutes Conservatives, Excuses Leftists

Brian Lilley of SUN News makes a compelling case that Elections Canada is not going after left-wing political parties and politicians, but will definitely get all hardass on the Conservatives every damn time there's any dispute at all.  Hell, nothing's too damn extreme, nor melodramatic for Elections Canada, as we recall when they had the astonishing gall to summon armed, uniformed police (and apparently the left-wing state apparatus propaganda blabbermouth, the CBC, so the raid on Conservative HQ would be sure to make the nightly news, with Peter Mansbridge ominously, subconsciously suggesting something horrible on the part of the Conservatives)...

There clearly needs to be an investigation into the obviously discriminatory, partisan activities of Elections Canada.

They're not being fair, nor balanced, at all.  Obviously.

They might as well be nicknamed "Selections Canada".

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